Connect with Lucy
Lucy works with you to help unlock and integrate your deepest truth, heart and wisdom – which has always been yours alone.
She is a friend on the path – a guide into your deepest self, the place where all existence resides, deep authenticity and love resides and all of you is homed.
From this place of authentic residence, we find an unrivaled freedom and spiritual maturity to infuse this precious life.
This work, is not about fixing or changing yourself, striving or seeking – this is about revealing who you already are in your inherent wholeness, and then offering the gift of that to the world.
Private Sessions
Work 1:1 with Lucy to unlock and integrate your deepest truth, heart and wisdom. From this place of authentic residence, we find an unrivaled freedom and spiritual maturity, to move potently, and wholly in the world.
Join the Sangha
Join kindred spirits bi-weekly in a space of deep rest, humour, shared wisdom and connection, where we come together, attune, meditate and share our hearts questions. Our shared presence brings us into deeper presence with ourselves.
Join us at a four night deep immersion spring retreat to connect, share, attune and deepen in presence – in person together. This is belonging, exactly as you are. A dive into the sacred process of our humanity – and the gift of our endless being.
Join friends on the path, for this weekly meet-up to journey through our hearts questions on our humanity, spiritual practice and awakenings. This group is deeply integrative, and helps to normalise the myriad of experiences, griefs and gains along the path.
This Untameable Light
This Untameable Light is here to remind you of your inherent wholeness and bring forgiveness, ease, humour and reverence to the sacred mess of being human. Alongside the beauty of all the ways we are so much more than just human.
We are all whole, and broken. All stumbling, and immensely powerful. We all long for love, and long to know we are not totally messing up this precious existence.
This Untameable Light celebrates our humanity as part of our divinity. The mystical and mundane of us. The profound and the profane.
It calls us into deep belonging – exactly as we are – and reminds us of the perpetual wink of existence.
This Untameable Light has one message: all of you is deeply loved by life – exactly as you are. You are precious, and this life is a gift, to be lived deeply, fully and unapologetically.